Monday 4 December 2017

Lashing through the snow...(Keratin Lash Lift)

Trying to revive my blog..and get those creative juices running again!

It's the time of year where Christmas carols ring out at shops and malls, the roads light up with Christmas decorations, and there are goodies galore. My favourite thing to do is walk down the isles of a supermarket, humming along to Christmas tunes -- the simple pleasures of life!

Fully charged up with the festive mood, I decided to try out a lash lifting procedure called the Keratin Lash Lift at Beauty Recipe Aesthetics @ Orchard Gateway. I knew hardly anything about it, but was drawn to the lifting and volumising effect, whilst still keeping the lashes looking natural. Basically it is your own lashes, curled and lifted, so no eyelash extensions, falsies and the like. Also, my eyelash curler is getting old and dirty and I thought that maybe I could save on some time and effort hunting for a new one.

The lash lift procedure does not involve heat and takes about one hour to complete. I don't have the details of the process but I know that it involves coating your lashes with three layers of lotion, with intervals of about 10 minutes in between. And voila! Night and day difference! (in my lashes at least, which are short and droopy..not assisted by the fact that my single eyelid weighs them down even more and the eyelash curler gets them to stick out straight at most)

Here are before and after photos:

Almost non-existent lashes..

Excuse my tired face..but look at the lashes peeking out from under my eyelid!

Two days later, I am very happy to say that the lashes still look fantastic, especially with a little bit more eye makeup going on there. And I now actually have some kind of a double eyelid, which allows me to be a bit more adventurous with the eye makeup techniques.

This is the first time I've ever had any kind of 'procedure' done on my face. So naturally a little bit more excited. I'm glad to say that I'm pretty delighted with the results. But just putting it out there, that the day after my right eye was a bit sore - it felt like there was something stuck on my eyelid and constantly rubbing against my skin. So I kept my eyes contact lens-free that day. On the second day, I did venture to wear my contact lenses but I think the lenses rubbed off against the lashes before entering my eye and it hurt quite bad! There might still be some residue left on the lashes so just be careful about that. All you have to do is wash your hands very thoroughly and put in your contact lenses without touching your eyelashes at all! Open those peepers wide before sliding in the contact lenses! And carry some eyedrops with you just in case. Other than that, no other issues for me.

Going to see how long the effect lasts before I decide whether to repeat the procedure (it is supposed to last up to 12 weeks), but till then, have a great December everyone!

Sunday 12 August 2012

The Big Move

These few days have been hectic, exciting, emotional and stressful at times. I came to Melbourne to do an MBA at Melbourne Business School. When I arrived, I stayed with my boyfriend and his family for a month, then moved into the city where I'll be closer to school. I've never been away from home and I truly truly miss everyone and everything back home in Singapore but I'm also excited for what's to come!

 Final round of moving house - the car was absolutely fulllll!

 Barely any space for my legs

We cooked dinner - fried kailan and pork ribs soup with mushrooms and udon. It wasn't a total disaster but it needed lots of improvement! And Dan had to kneel on the floor because there's only one chair. Haha!

Final masterpiece

Wednesday 8 August 2012


That's just a bed that's leaned on a wall and Jessie likes to lie down beside it with her two paws hugging her face.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Jessie Baby

This is Jessie - a nine-year old German Shepherd.  She's one massive wet wet wet licker!  Jessie's sweet, affectionate and very lovable.  When you sit beside her, she'll bury her head in your chest because she's telling you she wants a hug.  She's also terribly intuitive because she looks sad when you're packing to go overseas and she'll nudge you to go to bed when you're still lounging at the tele at bedtime.  Such a great dog.   

Friday 20 July 2012

Completely At Ease

This is Indy - a four-year old German Shepherd. We call him Inny, Inky, Inky Pinky, Indy Boy, Big Boy. He sleeps on his back sometimes, with his limbs flying in the air. Dogs only do that when they're absolutely comfortable with their surroundings.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Visit to Melbourne Business School

 Melbourne Business School - so happily situated in this cosy location

 The prettiest field just opposite Melbourne Business School - can't wait to lounge around on the grass in summer!

 At a Vietnamese restaurant called Indochine at Box Hill - these Vietnamese noodles are YUMMM

Look how huge Indy is! He's the length of my legs. But he's just a big baby who stomps onto your bed every morning, gives you a massive wet lick on your face and runs out again...and then comes back five minutes later. My big furry alarm clock with snooze function :)